BLACKlisted Then and Now – 2/24/10

BLACKlisted Then and Now: Linking Histories of Racism and National Security in Montreal

Wednesday, 24 February 2010, 7pm
Dawson College, Rm 4C1, 3040 Sherbrooke W (Atwater Metro)

February is Black History Month. Join Project Fly Home and the Alfie Roberts Institute in a panel discussion about state surveillance and repression …

Voices from Outside: Artists Against the Prison Industrial Complex – 12/5/08

Voices from Outside: Artists Against the Prison Industrial Complex

at Ste-Emilie SkillShare * 3942 Ste. Emilie * metro Place St. Henri
Vernissage Friday December 5th, 7pm-midnight
Exhibit December 5th – 14th inclusive

In connection with the historic Critical Resistance 10th anniversary conference Just Seeds Artists Cooperative has produced a …

Les voix de l’extérieur : artistes contre le complexe de prison-industriel – 12/5/08

Au Sainte-Émilie Skillshare * 3942 Sainte-Émilie * métro Place St. Henri
Vernissage vendredi le 5 Décembre de 19h à minuit
Exposition du 5 au 14 Décembre inclusivement.

C’est en lien avec le 10e anniversaire de Critical Resistance en Californie que JustSeeds Artists Cooperative a rassemblé cette collection d’oeuvres sérigraphiées. Cette exposition …

Voices from Outside: Artists Against the Prison Industrial Complex – 1/22/08


“Voices from Outside: Artists Against the Prison Industrial Complex”

In connection with the historic Critical Resistance 10th anniversary conference Just Seeds Artists Cooperative has produced a print portfolio project that they are donating to prisoner justice organizations across North America. The portfolio consists of 20 prints, each by a …


Mardi, 11 décembre 2007
Le Cagibi
5490 boul. St. Laurent
don volontaire

18h00 à 20h00

clip audio de Seth Hayes
musique par Alden Penner

Apportez des livres pour faire un don à Livres Accès Montréal:
dictionnaires, livres de langues, romans, etc. Les …